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Good and Bad Habits of Remote team that Needs to Know


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The global economy is growing again, and corporate leaders have noticed. They’ve seen that remote working leads to increased productivity in their employees—especially when they can be physically present for meetings or work remotely from anywhere with an internet connection! Some early data shows this could lead them to be as productive as before the COVID-19 hit.

However, the only downside with remote working is, team members are more likely to develop bad habits because they don’t get enough attention from their managers. This can lead them to do things like not putting in the extra effort or taking advantage when there is nobody watching over them.

In order to create an effective remote team, employers need to be aware of the good and bad habits of their team members. This will help them establish trust and respect, as well as set expectations for how people should work when they are not in the same physical space. By recognizing and understanding common habits, employers can help their team thrive while working remotely. 


3 Good and Bad Habits of Remote team


Good Habits

1. Being Proactive and Taking Initiative

Effective communication, collaboration, and problem-solving are all key to being a successful remote team member. In order for your workplace culture to be cohesive, there needs an atmosphere where everyone can work together as one unit; this means taking initiative by proactive behavior such as sharing information or offering help when needed without constantly asking permission which often leads to people to feel overwhelmed from having too many decisions made on their behalf, In addition, effective communications will allow faster decision giving clarity about what was said both verbally through meetings/ conversations.


2. Communicating Effectively

When you’re working in a remote team, it’s important to be clear and concise with your communication. Remote teams often use technology like video conferencing or text messages for faster inter-team communications than face-to-face.  Members can work together without constantly feeling isolated from each other, productivity increases significantly and when there are concerns that need discussing don’t hesitate – better discuss to them ahead of time before they become problems.  

3. Being organized

To be an effective leader or member of a remote team, it is important to have good habits. One of the most vital and necessary qualities for any remote team member or manager would be to have their task completed on time every single day with no exceptions made. Being organized will only further your success as a remote team member or manager. It’s important to keep track of what needs doing and how much time each task takes, so you can be efficient with every minute spent on work-related activities.


 Bad Habits


1. Procrastination

A bad habit in remote teams is procrastination- not getting work finished when you have other obligations that need attention or just don’t want the responsibility because then everyone will know how little progress has been made already.

When there’s a long-term goal, people often wait until the last possible moment to get started. This can cause issues with getting things done and producing an end product that doesn’t meet your standards because you had too much time pressure on yourself while finishing up instead of taking it easy at first so everything would go smoothly later down the line.

There are a lot of reasons why people might not start or finish projects, but one major reason is pressure from doing other things at once. If there’s a long-term goal you want to accomplish soon enough, then it will be easier for your brain and body if you don’t have another big ball weighing on them in addition to the current project they’re working on – which means finishing this smaller task first before moving onto anything else.


2. Micromanaging others

It’s easy to micromanage others when you are working in a remote team. You may not be able to see what they’re doing and it can become frustrating for both parties if someone isn’t responding or completing tasks correctly, but this will only lead to underperformance among other things that happen due to lack of supervision over employees’ work

However, micromanaging others can be a bad habit in remote teams.  The problem is that it’s difficult to delegate when you’re constantly watching over them and making sure everything goes smoothly which sometimes leads managers into doing things like giving too many tasks or assignments without proper supervision for their team members because they feel responsible for those underlings


3. Not being a team player

The remote team environment encourages people to work together as a cohesive unit. Not being on the same page with your coworkers can cause conflict, so it is important that you are able to represent yourself professionally at all times and listen closely when someone else speaks in order for everyone’s needs regarding projects or tasks could be met smoothly.



We hope you found these good and bad habits of remote teams helpful. As a remote team, it’s important to be aware of the things that can help or hurt your productivity. Being responsible for our own work is key to making sure we stay on track and meet deadlines. What are some other good or bad habits you’ve noticed in your remote team? To learn more visit our website at