Find the best holiday gifts for employees — from unique gift boxes to delicious snack boxes to collaborative experiences shipped directly to your remote team. Bondy makes it simple to celebrate any and every holiday or special occasion. Free shipping with personalized note cards and “Don’t Open ‘Till” stickers deliver a shared sense of connection and community. Whatever the holiday, Bondy has you covered.
Looking for a more customized holiday gift box?
Fiesta Party Box
$57.95 -
Luau Party Box
$42.95 -
Virtual Picnic Gift Box
Employee Holiday Gift Ideas to Celebrate Any Occasion
Ring in the new year. Add some snacks to the end of a Thanksgiving feast. Recognize those who keep your company running smoothly on Administrative Professionals Day. Personal, fun, and filled with unique experiences, Bondy boxes are the perfect way to celebrate any holiday or other special occasion. Even better — save your valuable time by setting up automated employee gift boxes that send throughout the year.