How well does your team work together? Do you have any concerns about the idea of globally-distributed teams, or are they an exciting opportunity for innovation and growth? If you’re not sure how to answer these questions, this post is for you! We’ve compiled a list of do’s and don’ts when it comes to managing virtual teams. Read on to see what our experts had to say.
There are many challenges in managing a global workforce that spans various time zones and it also saved time and money for companies that can’t afford to have all of their employees in one location, but they also come with new challenges that the old office-based model didn’t have. One of these is ensuring that everyone feels like they’re part of a cohesive team when it’s not possible to see or interact with each other on a daily basis.
List of Do’s and Don’ts in Leading Virtual Team
DO: Set up a meeting schedule with the team
In order to lead a successful virtual team, you need an effective daily meeting schedule. For this reason, it’s important that all members are on board and present with what is happening in their respective time zones so as not to miss any deadlines or meetings.
The best way for leaders of such groups to establish regularity when making sure everyone has seen instructions beforehand would be utilizing email since it’s always available no matter where they go.
DON’T: Let your virtual communication go to waste
Digital communication can be a challenge for leaders of virtual teams.
I never thought that I would say this, but it’s true: you really do need to ensure your team doesn’t go without necessary input or guidance because something as simple-looking on paper may not actually translate well when put into practice.
DO: Use video conferencing for meetings when possible
When leading a virtual team, it’s vital to do video conferencing for meetings when possible. This will allow you and your fellow employees the ability to go in person so that all can benefit from one anothers’ expertise while collaborating remotely or in different time zones.
DON’T: Forget to keep in touch on social media outlets
Don’t forget to keep in touch with your team using social media outlets. It is important for productivity and communication among all members of a virtual organization
Don’t be left out when leading an online workforce. Make sure you update them about the latest happenings within their work environment, such as new projects or deadlines that have been set by managers on site-based teams.
DO: Have regular check-ins with the team members you are managing remotely
Virtual teams are not different than physical ones. You should have regular check-ins with the team members to make sure everyone is on track, excited about what they’re working towards, and feeling confident before releasing their product or service for public consumption.
DON’T: Criticize them
When leading a virtual team, it’s important to remember that criticism will only make them feel worse. Instead of pointing out their flaws or mistakes try talking with them about how they could improve in order for everyone on the team to achieve success.
Tools Available for Virtual Communication