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New Year Celebration Ideas for your Remote Team


Are you looking for some fun and engaging New Year’s celebration ideas to add a little excitement to your work from home routine? If so, you’re in luck! In this post, we’ll share some of our favorite ways to ring in the New Year. Whether you want to host a party or take advantage of online festivities, we’ve got you covered. So read on for inspiration and get ready to celebrate in style.

5 Fun Ways New Year Celebration for your Remote Team

1. Host A Virtual Cocktail Night

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Looking for a classic way to celebrate the new year? Why not plan a cocktail party. The best part about this type of event is that you can dress it up however fancy or casual your heart desires! You don’t need any special skills or expertise, just sometime on New Year’s Eve, just create a Zoom meeting and make your background fancy.


2. Give them a New Year’s Resolution Jar


In order to make this year even more special, why not start by rewarding them? Give each person a Resolution Jar. A resolution is only worth the paper it’s written on, so why not give them a jar to hold their promises? It’ll be fun and you can use this as inspiration for yours too. It’ll be like you’re there for them when they need encouragement or just want someone on the other side of their computer screen.


3. Photo contests

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Celebrate the new year with a photo contest, It’s time to get creative and have some fun. Organize an event where everyone can show off their best side by taking pictures together, on New Year’s Eve, or over another theme – like New year’s eve dinner for instance (you should check out Social media posts). The choice is yours but be sure that it has something special about it so people will really want to participate in your festivities/contest etc.


4. Unleash the talents

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It’s important to celebrate the success and growth that has happened within your company this past year. That way they know how much work went into their successes! A talent night would be perfect for letting everyone shine with fun activities like painting live butterflies on each other’s faces before revealing them as artworks or singing karaoke in front of our cameras or even having a dance challenge. These types of events can also serve dual purposes by helping us all get more creative around here while doing some bonding too.


5. Have a Virtual Countdown

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As the new year approaches, it’s never too early to start planning how you want your team-building experience at work. One great way is by creating a virtual countdown that celebrates with everyone as they make their way through 2022. Virtual countdown it’s an unforgettable experience in celebrating the new year with your remote team.