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Virtual Team Leaders Need to have in Managing Remote Team


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A team can be considered as a group that is able to work together in order to achieve common goals. An effective team needs members who are committed, motivated, and have cross-functional skills. However, all these qualities are not enough for virtual teams because they need more than just traditional leadership skills. 

A lot of organizations are now recognizing the need for a virtual team. Managing remote teams is not easy, but it can be very rewarding. As they try to figure out how to manage their remote teams, many managers find themselves with questions about what type of personality traits they should look for in their virtual team leaders. 


5 Traits of a Virtual Team Leader

1. Accountability

A virtual team leader will need to be accountable for their work. This means that they must know what happens with each person on the remote side of things, and take responsibility when someone does not meet expectations or perform up-to-standard themselves. A good example for this might involve an employee who is having trouble with deadlines; even though it may seem like his manager should step in he shouldn’t give up until everything has been tried before making any rash decisions regarding sorting out responsibilities between himself/herself & individual workers.


2. Always be honest

Working with remote teams is more complicated than it seems. One of the most important skills for a virtual team leader to have, especially on Skype or Zoom where you can’t see each other’s faces and body language – honesty goes A LONG WAY.

A virtual team leader should always be honest to the best of their ability. They are in charge, so they have no excuse for being anything less than completely transparent with every detail about what’s going on and why it matters.


3. Give praise when it’s deserved

A virtual team leader should give praise when it’s deserved. There are many ways to motivate your employees, but one of the most effective tools in motivating someone is through positive reinforcement and encouragement for a job well done! Especially if you’re leading an international workforce that lives across time zones or on different continents where they may feel isolated from peers who live closer together socially-a little appreciation goes a long way towards making their day brighter at least once per week so make sure not only do I get my fair share of kudos but also take some inspiration from how successful these people have been while juggling life responsibilities alongside professional obligations too.


4. Be a good listener

It’s always important to be a good listener and learn how your team members work. Virtual teams often use remote workers, so it’s crucial for virtual leaders or TeamLease organizers who manage them remotely from different locations around the world.

l Listen carefully when speaking with other employees on Skype/Video calls – show that you care about their thoughts and concerns by showing interest in what they say; listen without filtering anything out just let everything flow through your ears into knowledge bank as best we can all benefit this way together! Don’t interrupt anyone unless invited specifically towards sharing more personal thoughts.


5. Flexibility

You can’t manage a remote team from the comfort of your own office. Virtual leaders have to be flexible and understanding if they want their teams’ productivity up, which is why it’s important for them not only to know what tasks need completing but also how best to approach each one depending on available resources or time constraints.