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A quick search of the internet reveals that there are many articles about how to keep employees engaged while working remotely. The question is, why would anyone want to work remotely? You get all your work done in a fraction of the time, you can work on your own schedule, and it’s great for traveling. However, I think it’s important to discuss some tips for engaging with your team while they’re working online so they don’t feel like their contributions aren’t valued or appreciated. Here are some tips!


1. Make sure you have a comfortable workspace – invest in ergonomic chairs and desks.

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Make sure you have a comfortable workspace so that it feels like home while running your own business. You may want specific items around depending on what tasks are required per day–for instance, typing requires different input devices than drawing does! Some people even choose office plants based on how much sunlight they need each day;


2. Find ways to stay connected with your team members, even if they are not in the same location.


It is a good idea to find ways to stay connected with your team members, even if they are not in the same location. You can do this by sending them messages on project management software or calling them over Skype so you don’t have any trouble communicating ideas and feedback during work hours.


3. Schedule regular meetings so that everyone is on the same page.

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Meetup regularly to coordinate work efforts and ensure that you are all on the same page with what needs to be done.

4. Establish clear boundaries for when it’s okay or not okay to contact someone during off-hours.

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It is important to establish clear boundaries for when someone can contact you or not, particularly during off-hours. For example, if it’s in the middle of a workday and your manager calls asking about something that doesn’t need immediate attention but will be addressed at some point after hours then this would likely annoy anyone who prefers their personal time remain uninterrupted by work-related issues.

5. Create an office dress code – this will help create a more professional atmosphere at home.

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Create an Office Dress Code! This helps to increase professionalism and creates good working conditions for you, your employees, and future employers or clients that visit your workplace on occasion.


6. Set up a schedule for yourself so you can stick to deadlines and goals.

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Prioritize and strategize your day so you can complete tasks on time. For example, write down the most important things that need to get done first on a piece of paper with times listed next to them. Then schedule these throughout the course of your workday as much as possible. This way when it is crunch time towards quitting time, you know exactly what needs finishing before leaving for home.


7. Use technology creatively to improve productivity.

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To make the team more effective setup, track tasks using project management software, use online collaboration tools like Google Docs or Dropbox for better communication.